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Thursday 30 April

5pm EU: 4pm UK: 11am EDT: 8am PDT

Longevity investing

2.5 hours split over 3 sessions … Followed by ‘Ask me anything’ session for VIP ticket holders

Session 1

Phil Newman

Editor-In-Chief, Longevity.Technology

Review of Days 1 to 3 in the context of funding and investment.

Jim Mellon

Chairman and Founder, Burnbrae Group

The Big Picture: Covid-19 and Longevity investing

Kate Batz

Managing Partner, Longevity Capital and Director of Strategy at Deep Knowledge Ventures and Aging Analytics Agency

The view from the valley

Lorraine Morley

UK Lead / Advisor, AgeTech Accelerator

Accelerating agetech

Greg Bailey

CEO, Juvenescence

The Juvenescence business model and future of anti-aging … Followed by Q&A

5 minute coffee/bio break 🙂

Dmitry Kaminskiy

Co-founder / Managing Partner, Deep Knowledge Ventures / Longevity.Capital / Deep Knowledge Analytics

Global pandemics & accelerated investment in Longevity … Followed by Q&A


Co-founder and CEO, Repair Biotechnologies & Fight Aging!

The crucial question in Longevity investing: is it repair?

James Lawford Davies

Partner, Hill Dickinson

Genome editing: opportunity & anxiety in equal measure

Alon Braun

Co-Founder, Neurotech Analytics

Neurotech is the new blue ocean

5 minute coffee/bio break 🙂

Session 3

Michael Hufford

Co-Founder and CEO, LyGenesis

From science fiction to FDA submission: ectopic organoids & the commercialization of regenerative medicine

Simon Melov

Professor, Buck Institute and Founder and CEO, Gerostate Alpha

How to identify new targets and indications for aging drug development

Michael Fossel

Founder and President ,Telocyte

The Longevity market: investments, the future & practical advice

Ronjon Nag

Managing Director and Founder, R42 Group

Risk & reward: Longevity investments

Sergey Young

Founder, Longevity Vision Fund

5 investment lessons from coronavirus

Phil Newman

Editor-In-Chief, Longevity.Technology

Close and introduction to ‘Ask Me Anything’ session for VIP ticket holders

Please note: speakers, presentation titles and running order may change. This page is updated daily. Thanks.

Ask Me Anything

For VIP ticket holders only